Driving Lessons
++ Gasoline Surcharge (see below)
Driving Lessons Cost $75 per hour: These are for those who are interested in just behind the wheel hours or some additional hours to our Driver’s Ed program. Typical Lessons Are 2 Hour Sessions And Are Always Private Lessons. No contracts for a specified amount of lessons required. Take as many as you feel you need.
All lessons are given in our dual controlled vehicles, which are fully insured and inspected annually by the Tennessee Highway Patrol. Exception only for handicapped students who are best taught in their own vehicle which has been fitted with the appropriate controls. Our school vehicles have automatic transmissions, however if a student wants to learn to drive a manual or standard transmission, Instructors will work with you in your vehicle after you have proven your basic skills in one of our vehicles.
Students must be able to speak and understand English fluently. This is a safety issue and is an absolute must.
Pick-up and Return Included in the Greater Knox and Blount County Areas (inquire if additional fee applies if you live outside these areas)
Drive-Rite can ONLY give Road Tests to our Driver Education Students who have completed the 36 Hour Driver Education Program.
++ Gasoline Surcharge (see below)
Sometime, you may find that you just need an opinion about whether your driving skills are road-worthy and safe. If you haven’t driven for a while, have reason to question your or a loved ones abilities or your Doctor suggests it; a Driving Evaluation can provide the professional opinion you need.
Each evaluation lasts for 2 hours and covers various road and traffic situations. These are priced as a private lesson at $75 per hour.
Pick-up and Return Included in the Greater Knox and Blount County Areas (inquire if additional fee applies if you live outside these areas)
++ Starting 09/01/2023 surcharge of $5 per hour of behind the wheel instruction will be added when fuel prices reach $3.25 per gal as reported on https://gasprices.aaa.com/?state=TN
We hate that we have to add this but we can no longer absorb these costs. This charge will be collected prior to setting up driving times.